Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Portobello Mushrooms and Asparagus with Orzo

We bought some beautiful Portobello mushrooms last Saturday for grilling (broiling) with goat cheese, but my oven is still out of service, so I decided to use it up in a pasta dish together with the asparagus left over from Saturday's salmon. I almost felt proud for coming up with this recipe, but after a quick Google search I realized there's already a plethora of wonderful asparagus-mushroom pasta/risotto recipes out there, and there's virtually nothing I could possibly add to them.

Anyway, this is how I made it... I didn't follow any particular recipe, but I won't vouch for its originality. I'm posting it because we liked it so much, we plan to include it in our regular diet.

Ingredients for 4:

3 large Portobello mushrooms, cut in half an inch cubes

2 shallots, finely chopped
1 lb asparagus (I cooked with leftovers, so I used only half this time),  broken in 1-2 inch pieces

4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
8-10 sun-dried tomatoes cut in thin strips
(I'll use cherry tomatoes next time)
1.5 cups orzo pasta

2-2.5 cups water
0.5 cups fine dry white wine
1 small bunch parsley
1 tablespoon Herbes de of Provence

1 chicken bouillon (optional)
freshly grated Parmesan to taste (1/2 cups)
2 tablespoons olive oil

Saute the shallots with the garlic on medium until shallots become translucent (1-2 min.). Add Herbes de Provence and mushrooms and cook until browned (approx. 10 min). Meanwhile, in another frying pan heat 1 tbsp olive oil and stir fry the asparagus for about 5 minutes. It shouldn't be fully cooked, you want it crunchy and bright green. Add the sun-dried tomatoes tomatoes and pasta to the mushrooms and cook stirring constantly for 1-2 minutes, then pour in water and wine, bring to a boil, add chicken bouillon if using, and cook until al dente (7-8 minutes), adding more water if necessary. When ready, add the asparagus and the Parmesan, adjust the seasoning for salt and pepper, and sprinkle with fresh parsley. Serve with a nice leaf salad for a a main course, or with grilled chicken for a great side dish.

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