Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Potato, Kale and White Bean Soup

I adapted some Spanish/Portuguese Kale Soup recipes found on the internet, to make the soup just a little lighter, without skipping the meat altogether. So, instead of chorizo I used smoked turkey legs. A few weeks back, when I made this soup for the first time, I actually used turkey bacon, which made it even lighter. This picture was taken then, and as you can see, the vegetables overpowered the kale a little - so at Peter's suggestion (who wanted a kale soup more similar to my Lettuce and White Bean Soup, recipe to follow), I increased the amount of kale from 1 bunch to 2.

Ingredients (makes 8 servings):

1 large onion, finely chopped
2 bunches of kale, cleaned, thick stems removed, and cut in 1-1.5 cm strips
3 medium potatoes, diced
4 medium carrots, sliced
1 (14 oz) can white beans (or any beans of your choice, really), rinsed
1 smoked turkey leg, diced
5 cloves garlic, minced
64 oz chicken broth
2 Tbs olive/sunflower/vegetable oil


Heat the oil on medium in a large soup pot, saute the onions for 5 minutes, add the turkey, and cook for 2 minutes. Stir in the carrots and the potatoes, add a little water (about half a cup) and cook covered for ten minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid burning. In the meantime, in a large skillet wilt the kale, until almost done  - just add a little water (about 3/4 cup), and cook covered for 5-7 minutes. After ten minutes of sauteing, add the broth to the vegetables and turkey, cook for 15 minutes, then add the wilted kale, the minced garlic and the rinsed beans, and cook for another 5 minutes. It's best served with freshly grated Parmesan (we skipped it now, but maybe we won't next time). Enjoy!

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