Thursday, March 29, 2012

White Pizza

Gorgonzola, pears (or apples), thin pizza crust. What's not to like? And still, Trader Joe's and Central Market both discontinued their Pear Gorgonzola Pizzas. Funny, how that always happens with our favorite products.

 Anyway, I found a recipe on Yahoo that used pretty much the same ingredients I imagined the grocery stores used in their white pizza: pizza crust (thin, frozen, Italian, from Central Market), olive oil, for brushing, 1 tart pear/apple (diced or sliced, this time I used diced apples, and I think dicing them works better, as the fruit retains more of its juices and flavors), some fresh lemon juice to sprinkle over the fruits, sliced Provolone (enough to loosely cover the frozen pizza crust, not more that 4 ounces) and Gorgonzola crumbles (I sometimes use Amish blue cheese), doesn't have to be expensive. Plus: a handful of roughly chopped walnuts and chives (optional).

Preparation: Brush the frozen pizza crust with 1 tbs olive oil, arrange the Provolone over it, top with crumbled Gorgonzola, pears (or apples) and walnuts, then slide it into to preheated oven (425 degrees Fahrenheit), bake 10 to 12 minutes, remove from oven, add the chives on top (no chives for our pizza this time), and ta-dam: dinner is ready. That is, ready if you made the salad ahead: lettuce, orange/yellow/red peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, with a mustard/balsamic vinegar/honey/olive oil Vinaigrette. Oh, and don't forget to grind some black pepper over the hot pizza, it really brings out the flavor of the fruits.

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