Monday, April 30, 2012

Grilled Chicken Breast With Balsamic Glazed Onions

I saw this recipe for glazed vegetables (pearl onions) on Food Network's website, and I just couldn't resist the temptation to try it. So this last weekend I bought some multicolored pearl onions at CM, some boneless, skinless chicken breast, and last night I tried it... let me first say, don't ever try this with fresh, unskinned onions! Use frozen pearl onions instead, which will save you a huge amount of preparation time! I didn't realize what a pain it could be to clean 50 tiny onions - well, Peter was the designated victim for the task, but after he managed to skin only 5 onions in about 10 minutes, I went to the web for help, and luckily I found some instructions on how to skin them in almost no time at all. But it was still a little messy, so next time I'll just use frozen onions for this (this says a lot about what a great cook I am, right?).

What I ended up making was not FN's exact recipe, I only used it as a guideline along with some other recipes I found on the internet.

First I blanched the onions (about 14 oz) in their skin, in boiling water for about 3-4 minutes, which made them easier to clean, and also had the advantage of  shortening the actual glazing time, as my onions were already pre-cooked. After skinning the onions, I heated 1.5 tablespoons butter and 1 tablespoon raw cane sugar in a frying pan, until the butter started to foam, and the sugar melted, then added the pre-cooked onions, about half a cup of a good dry white whine, and about 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar. Quantities are really approximate, and next time I might skip the sugar. I think the balsamic vinegar will give it enough sweetness. It wasn't bad this way either, those with a sweet tooth would definitely prefer it with a dash of sugar in it. After adding all the ingredients in, I cooked it on high until the liquid thickened and became syrupy.

We served it with grilled chicken breast, creamy mashed potatoes and a nice green salad with a honey-balsamic vinaigrette.

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